Saturday, September 18, 2010

We Meet Again, At The Turn Of The Tide

Ever since a friend ever so politely asked why my blog hadn't been updated in a while (I believe his comment was along the lines of "Get off your ass and update. It's been six months), I've been trying to figure out what to write.
When  I started this thing, it was a place for me to put whatever random thoughts were running through my head at the time, and I still fully intend on using it for that at times. Writing is great for that. It's a great way to help organize your thoughts in a semi-coherent way. Sometimes it enables you to see things clearly- things you barely realized you were thinking.

The problem is that weeks, even months, can pass before I have anything even remotely worth writing. Combine that with a job where the only opportunity to write is wile on break, during which I have to fit in a cigarette and my lunch, and you begin to see why there tend to be gaps between updates.
I'm not foolish enough to say "that's all about to change," because I usually have a lot crammed into a week, so I know it won't change completely. But I am planning to update more frequently. Maybe not multiple times a week, or day, but hopefully multiple times a month, and definitely more than once every six.
So I sat down and considered the type of blog I wanted. Did I want to do entertainment (books, music, tv and movies) reviews? Maybe I wanted to entertain my readers, and myself, with stories and commentary about the wide selection of idiocy around the world? Or I could turn it into a lecture of the ins and outs of writing, especially fanfiction.
Every time I thought of an idea, it sounded great. The issue I had was it sounded great as an element, but not as the sole purpose of the blog.
I decided quickly that my blog had to be precisely that- mine. A blog has to reflect its writer- the author's interests and personality have to fuel the content or it's no fun to write, and largely no fun to read.
And, since this particular author is ADHD, my blog is going to reflect that. There will be no single topic, and there won't be a set schedule.
But it will still cover each topic, serious and humorous, I find interesting. What follows is a list of what you can expect to see, although not in any specific order. Most likely, this list will expand and contract as new ideas catch my interest and old ones lose it.

  • How To Survive: This type of entry can, and most probably will, have everything from the rules and tools for surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, to the more mundane (if also less likely) tactics needed to survive a shoot out.
  • Rambling: This is the general group where the types of posts I opened this blog for will find their home. Basically, this heading covers the "crap I can't label another way" randomness.
  • I Can't Believe It: Stupid laws? Check. Stupid criminals? Absolutely. Idiotic news stories? Guaranteed. If it's something so stupid, so ridiculously idiotic, as to leap across absurd and toe the line of unbelievable, you'' see it here.
  • Do's And Don'ts Of Writing: I love to write. I love to read. However, there are certain things people do, especially when writing fanfiction, that drive me up the wall. This is where I discuss my personal pet peeves, as well as the less personal ins and outs of writing.
  • Entertainment Reviews: Movies, music, television and books. Whether they're good or bad, I'll discuss them here.
  • What Day Is It: Ever heard of Talk Like A Pirate Day (9/19)? How about National Funny Hat Day(7/9)? This monthly segment will tell you the holidays and off the wall celebrations coming over the next weeks.
  • A Conservative View: As most of you are undoubtedly aware, my political views are just the tiniest bit to the right of moderate. This group of entries will cover current events, and will give you my personal views and opinions about them.
  • Christian Talk: As a Christian, I have beliefs that inform pretty much every waking thought. These beliefs pervade my life to such a degree that it's impossible to separate them from who I am. Through this segment, I will openly share them.
  • Tales Of The Weird: This segment will be devoted to the strangest news stories I can find. If an event or circumstance is so bizarre it borders on unbelievable, it will find its home here.
  • Ranting: Everybody needs to blow off some steam sometimes. This group of entries will be where I do that.
It's definitely going to be unusual. It could be interesting. It will hopefully be humorous. I hope you have fun reading, because I know I will writing.
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