Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who are we?

Some people look at life and see only what was.
Some people look at life and see only what is.
Some people look at life and see not only what was and what is, but also what could be.

The first group is mired in the past. They're the ones you see every day letting the world pass them by. They remember old victories, and they remember ancient wounds, but they never look forward. They're dead, they just don't know it.

The second group is the bitter group. They look around and see the world coming apart at the seams. They see pain and violence and evil all around, but never any of the good. They have watched as attempts to turn the tide were thwarted, and they have grown hard. Like the first group, they're dead without knowing it.

The third group is special. They remember the past, and live in the present. They've seen success and failure. They've watched the world burn in agony and despair. But they refuse to give up. Because they also look at what is and see it how it could be. If they live in a town virtually destroyed by crime, they are the ones who stand up and lead the way in making it better.
They don't look at the world through rose-colored glasses. They know things are bad, and they accept that. They simply refuse to accept that things must stay that way. Throughout history they've been ridiculed as idealists and as dreamers. But they're the ones who made things happen. It was their dreams that created the future in which we live. It is our dreamers who will yet create the future in which our children live.

The question isn't which one will create the future; their very personalities dictate that. The question is which one am I? Which one are you?

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